Let’s go surfing!

In this returning series, we gonna take you into the world of surfing. Sit back, relax and enjoy some useful surf hacks by Marieke of Peeky Ponchos
Alright, so you want to go enjoy a really nice surf session? Than before we jump to things you should bring, lets take some other important factors into consideration.
Ever wanted to handle a massive wipe out, duck dive unexpected huge incoming sets or even paddling to a rip when you are stuck? We recommend getting always enough sleep and a proper breakfast or meal. Feeling fit, you will keep others and yourself safe in the water.

Now, here are our ultimate hacks you definitely should bring:

  • a surfboard according to your surfing level
  • an appropriate leash
  • a seasonal wetsuit

Your backpack should contain:

  • Board wax & a wax comb
  • Sustainable sunblock for your face and sun-exposed body parts
  • Bottle of drinking water
  • Peeky Poncho
  • Water resistant bag or buchet to store your wet wetsuit

For the prefect surf experience you might add:

  • Phone
  • Sunglasses
  • Earplugs
  • Snacks and Fruits
  • First Aid kid
  • Duct tape
  • Fin key
  • Extra set of fins
  • Surf booties
  • Extra leash


Arriving by car at the beach?

Usually you will make your way to the beach by car, right?
So what I always do is park the car as close to the break as possible. Than I change with my Peeky Poncho to my wetsuit at the car. Drink some water, wax my board, check my leash. Followed by putting in my earplugs, using sunblock on my nose, cheeks and lips. Leaving the rest in the car and go surfing.
For me this is the fastest way to go surfing when you are running against the tide or you have to work afterwards. Normally, I carry a big bottle of tab water in the car to rinse my feet from sand or my face from the salt water. I feel like reborn after my session.

Without a car at the beach?

Sometimes I arrive without my car, so I bring my backpack with all the stuff explained in the lists above. Doing so, I just leave my stuff somewhere at the beach. Preferably high and dry (for a possible tide pushing in) and in the shade! The shade stops my wax from melting and my water chill.
Leaving all your stuff unattended is of corse on your own risk. So better not take any valuable stuff with you like camera and smartphone.
In some cases you will climb down some rocks to get to the break. My advice is to use some old sneekers to protect your feet. From burning on the hot stones and have some better grip to get you safely up and down. Secret beaches will have no stairs. And no lifeguards to give you a plaster.

Final note.

Please do not leave any trash behind. Consider taking rubbish of other with you to the next trash bin.
Come back for more surf tips and tricks.
Enjoy and hang loose,
Pictures by Cait Caulfield Photography